
Race Heats/Packet Pickup

Heats are assembled based on predicted swim times. Slowest swimmers will start out first. A heat time will not be assigned. Rather, heats will go off separated by a 2-3 min gap which begins when the last swimmer from the previous heat exits the pool. For example, if the last swimmer from heat 2 exits the pool at the 17:21 mark, we’ll round up to 18 min then add 2. So heat 3 will begin at the 20 min mark. We will announce which heat is up, which is on deck and which is in the hole. Athletes will need to listen to the announcer and be ready to hop in the water when their time comes.

Packet pick up and body marking will happen race morning only. Transition set up can begin as early as 5 am. Race packet pickup begins at 6:30 am.

Click the link below to download heat sheets. Heats will be in both the indoor and outdoor pools. No special request accepted once posted.

Heat sheets for 2025 available after registration closes